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Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Effects of 432/440 Hz Frequencies

Kimberly Kapela

This article touches on the spiritual and emotional healing effects that two main frequencies

maintain and how they can align and balance with different chakras. Musicians and artists have used these healing techniques throughout centuries to promote higher vibrations and mental clarity towards their creative endeavors. This article acknowledges the skepticism of various tuning frequencies as well as how to properly exercise these through everyday and affordable methods during the time of social media self-care scams and influencers who don’t understand the history of the practices they’re promoting.

With the spiritual mainstream self-care wave dominating our social media pages as influencers capitalize off expensive aesthetically pleasing emotional health techniques, there are easier, more affordable ways to allow for promoting deeper sustaining aspects of the body and mind.

Meditating or falling asleep to heightened frequencies can help stimulate our psyche--in a

spiritual sense--uniting the body and consciousness with nature and our higher selves. The

exposure to natural harmonics in music has always allowed for a greater nourishing experience and is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Many pop-culture icons including Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, and Pink Floyd have raised awareness of the benefits of providing harmonic clarity and “recovering optimal integrity in the music industry” through 432 hertz (Hz) tuning.

Modern-day artists like Jhené Aiko embrace the practice of sound healing and incorporate

vibrational hums and frequencies of crystal sound bowls (singing bowls) used in healing and

meditation. This helps with chakra balancing as different notes correspond to different chakras. The songstress’s third album, Chilombo, features the use of healing sound bowls to raise vibrations and balance the body’s energy systems. The album’s sixth track “P*$$Y Fairy

(OTW)” includes a D key which revitalizes the sacral chakra responsible for sexual organs and

pleasure. “H.O.E (Happiness Over Everything)” features C and F notes that stimulate the heart and root chakras that govern safety, security, love, and compassion.

To gain a basic understanding, Hz or Hertz is a standard measurement for frequency, defined as one cycle per second. Each note relates to a certain frequency the higher the pitch, the shorter the length of the wave or wavelength. Music is made up of many frequencies and can influence the responses or stimuli of our brain. Musicians, artists, and scientists have transcended new limits and techniques of how the healing effects of frequencies can be measured in relation to human’s emotional and physical well beings. This has held an immense impact that music affects internal functions such as reducing heart rate, blood pressure, anxiety, and distress.

Sound therapy, vibrational-acoustic therapies, and yoga practices can help align certainly

frequencies in order to interact with human brainwaves to promote meditative healing.

432 Hz is not exclusively embedded in Western cultures. International researcher and musician Ananda Bosman express that instruments uncovered in ancient Egypt utilized this tuning. The ancient Greek god of music, death, and rebirth, Orpheus, also tuned to this frequency. Sound researchers and technicians, Jamie Buturff and Korg Tuner said that Tibetan singing bowls were one of the few instruments monks would tune to 432 Hz. Sound frequency is a universal method used for centuries from ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Schumann resonance to treat ailments of the nervous system.

The healing of music has foundations in both theology and medicine in the form of Apollo.

Pythagoras, another famous Greek philosopher, mathematician, and physician theorized that the frequencies held healing effects and that daily exposure is vital for human development.

Pythagoras discovered the harmonic relationships between mathematical ratios and different

tuning frequencies. This frequency is known as scientific pitch or “Verdi tuning,” and is found in geometrical arrangements in ancient sites such as Stone Henge and the Great Pyramid.

432 Hz frequencies have been associated with enhancing mood and alleviating fatigue. Most

importantly, tuning to the earth frequency. 432 Hz is known as the natural tuning of the universe and is a cosmic number related to sacred geometry that provides relaxation. It extends its roots in musical theory, science, and architecture. Meditating with the healing power of 432 Hz music can help gain greater insights into mental and emotional clarity.

According to HappyMag, “A=432 Hz refers to middle A or A4, with a wavelength that measures 79.86 cm. In the same tuning, the low C or C3 equals 128 Hz, measuring 268.62 cm. In the modern standard, A4 equals 440 Hz with a wavelength of 78.41cm and low C equals 130.81 which measures 263.74 cm.”

To understand the healing advantages behind 432 Hz, we must tap into the 8 Hz frequency. It is widely known that 7.86 Hz - 8 Hz (Schumann Resonance) is the “fundamental electromagnetic beat of the universe.” 8 Hz is the groundwork for 432 Hz that aligns with the planet’s “heartbeat.” This heightens perception and unlocks intuition. The shamanistic vibrations influence sound frequencies to arouse altered mind states and raise consciousness.

In a 2019 research study conducted by Diletta Calamassi and Gian Paolo Pomponi, the objective identified the differences in perception when listening to music tuned to 432 and 440 Hz and its correlation on health.

The study found that different frequencies can alleviate mental health issues as well as stimulate the body to heal physical ailments. The results concluded that 432 Hz tuned music was associated with a slight decrease of blood pressure values and a slight decrease in the mean of heart rate compared to 440 Hz. The 33 testing subjects involved became more focused on listening to music and became more satisfied after exposure to the frequencies.

Due to a greater harmonic frequency, 432 Hz is softer and brighter because of the release of

excess serotonin and endorphins which aid with blood pressure and stable heart rates compared to 440 Hz. The release of toxins and negative energy blockages can help with clarity within the heart chakra and has an influence on the spiritual development of listeners. Its role in meditation allows for the synchronicity between both the left and right brain hemispheres; increasing insight and intuition. Because 432 Hz possesses less noise pressure and is easier on the ears, there’s no need to play it as loud as 440 Hz.

440 Hz is considered “cerebral music” that helps with the listener’s cognitive development and is associated with the activation of the third eye chakra. Listening to this higher frequency is extremely potent and an effortless way to experience a deeper dive within our consciousness. The frequency is interlaced in most contemporary music we listen to. Lowering the pitch by 8 Hz places listeners in a state of serenity and creativity.

Different tones and frequencies help restore and balance between various aspects of our mental and physical health; overall advancing healthier lifestyle choices making it the perfect

accompaniment for chakra-activating exercises like yoga, meditation, or deep sleep to reduce anxiety and blood pressure.


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