Protection, energy-shielding, empowered femininity, enhanced communication and vitality are all powerful aspects that earth’s natural healers (aka crystals) can bring out once properly cleansed and charged in possession of its owner. Crystals enhance one’s vibrations and frequencies so manifestations come to fruition with intensity.

Healing crystals especially are a great addition to any self-care regimen and can restore unbalanced energies to your home, worklife, love life, financial goals and personal wellness—not overnight, this is a long term, steady process. “Programming” crystals with specific intentions accelerates their energy and benefits. Crystals are fragile regardless of property, so handling them with tender love and care is required.
Before the cleansing and charging actions take place, find a quiet moment and a comfortable place to sit down, kick off your shoes and turn your phone off. If you wish, stream calming background music, although silence is equally as powerful.
There are many easy, safe ways to cleanse crystals. Ever walked into a place that feels heavy and there’s something energetically off and you want to shower to wash the feeling off? Same goes with crystals; cleansing is important because they pick up the energy of the environment. They hold negative frequencies once they are used for a period of time without weekly cleansing. It’s vital to cleanse and recharge crystals often.
To start with the basics, cleansing is important because crystals come from various countries and fall into the hands of various owners and customers; meaning energy is transferred and stored in the crystals. Make sure you always cleanse your crystals before you charge them. This rids the energy buildup over time. When you try to charge your crystal, it’ll already be full of stagnant energy you’ve filled it with.
Incense Smoke / Smudging: Light your incense and move the crystal counterclockwise to cast out existing negative energy, and then clockwise to set positive intentions. With the incense, you can draw the smoke in the shape of a pentagram for protection and banishment of negative energies. To charge the crystal, hold it in your left hand and set the intention. For example, if you are charging Carnelian, set the intention with, “This crystal is programmed to activate my sacral chakra, and it stimulates passion and confidence from within. This crystal gives me a powerful life-force and I radiate with beauty and inner harmony.” Charging can also be set with affirmations such as, “I light up every room that I walk into. I adore the person I see in the mirror. My magnetic energy is uniquely mine and captivating. I am beautiful inside and out.”
Smudging has its origins in Indigenous cultures and is an age-old technique that turns sage, palo santo, sweetgrass, lavender, etc... Sage is held sacred in many Indigenous communities for its traditional use in smudging rituals and metaphysical purposes. Dried sage and plant resins are burned as “smudge” and are believed to promote healthy healing, increased spiritual awareness, spiritual protection, longevity and mental clarity. When smudging crystals, make sure you’re near an open window or the outdoors so that bad energy isn’t in your space. Use bundled sage sticks for the best results. Light the tip of the sage and wave the sage over the crystal, so the smoke can surround it for at least 30 seconds.
Soil: Have you ever heard about earthing? Earthing is known as a grounding concept and refers to those who perform energy work in an attempt to connect to the earth to bring out balance and spiritual health. By walking barefoot or sitting outside, these activities balance out someone’s auric energy field and keeps negative energies from entering this field. Using the burial method is one of the most effective ways to return the crystal’s energy to its form and to re-activate the spirit. First, find a safe and sacred spot for burying the crystal (like underneath a favorite tree or in a garden). Bury them in the soil and leave for a minimum of 24 hours. Crystals that work the best for earth cleansing include Tiger’s Eye, Jasper, Calcite and Agate.
Selenite and Frequencies: Another way to cleanse crystals is by placing them on selenite and playing 528 Hz frequencies, which are universally known for the healing frequency of love. Selenite is a natural cleansing crystal and has powerful healing energies while enhancing powers of manifestations. Selenite never needs to be cleansed, it can cleanse and recharge other crystals. 528 is a road opener, great for clearing negative blockages, raising vibrations or manifestations and managing anxiety. Using the sound frequency brings it to a new, higher dimension. This is also great for those who have a stash of crystals to cleanse at once. Sit back and allow the sound to wash over the crystals and visualize them releasing old, lifeless energies on the sound waves. Chanting, tuning forks and singing bowls are all great methods for sound baths.
Sunlight: The sun’s rays are so powerful and filled with energy and life force. Placing the crystals under the sun gives a new meaning to energizing. The rays of the sun bring more masculine spirits which embodies vitality, energy and abundance. To be safe, do not place the crystals in the sunlight for more than a few minutes.
Moonlight (New Moon or Full Moon): The moon cleanses crystals on a deep energetic level and has been a practice for centuries that signified renewal and divine feminine energies. Moonlight helps your gems to soak up all the feminine energy it has to offer. The full moon will bring an energy of release whereas the new moon offers an energy of growth. Place your crystals on your windowsill or alter before going to bed and leave them overnight. You can also leave the crystals outside overnight to fully bask in the moonlight. This method of cleansing works on all stones.
Water: Water charging is just as effective, but only certain crystals can go in water (typically crystals ending in -ite cannot be water charged because of their properties). Salt water is an instant healer and soaks up all unwanted energy. Crystals that can be cleansed in water include Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Madagascar Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Obsidian, Carnelian and Tiger’s Eye. Crystals that cannot charge in water include Selenite, Lepidolite, Malachite and Angelite. Water works best with polished stones, never rough or natural forms.
Himalayan salt: This is a powerful way to quickly cleanse, again just like water charging, only certain crystals can be placed into the salt. These include the popular Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Moonstone, Aventurine and Carnelian.
Visualization / Meditation: Center and ground your energy and make sure your surroundings are peaceful and quiet. Hold the crystal in your hands and visualize your hands filling with a radiant, white light. Place the crystal in your dominant hand and feel it’s vibrations reflect on you. Imagine the crystal releasing all the impurities and being replaced with a white light. This meditation method is beneficial for strengthening your bonds with the crystals. The energy you give them, they bounce right back for you. Only do this with one crystal at a time so you can fully focus your energy in the process. After you’re finished cleansing and charging, shower them with a sense of gratitude and wonder.
Brown Rice: Purify the crystals by starting to fill a bowl with uncooked brown rice and bury the crystal for a full 24 hours. Then move them into the sunlight in the morning for an hour. When you’re finished, throw out the rice.
Remember, everyone’s spiritual journey and its work are completely different. Using crystals properly brings comfort and benefits to any spiritual and meditation practice or work. Choose the method that suits your environment, personal preference or spiritual, energetic work. When you find a cleansing and charging ritual that works best for you, it becomes a comforting pattern and an enjoyable experience. It’s a must to state your intention or affirmation in order for the crystal to fully release its benefits and energy and wipe away any energies picked up during the healing process.