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Intro to Crystal and Candle Magic: How to Manifest in Dreams

Kimberly Kapela

At one point or another in our lives, we have created strong, natural desires to look within

ourselves and attempt to understand our significance and connection to the universe around us.

Lately, with its surge of popularity over quarantine, you may have heard the words

“manifestation” and “Law of Attraction” get thrown around, so it’s not surprising that people

have claimed it’s a form of magic. People are becoming more aware of their internal power,

moving past spiritual and mental blocks, while creating their own realities. Easy spiritual

practices include candle magic, crystal healing, and manifestation to help us balance our

frequencies and achieve our desires.

First things first, the Law of Attraction is a universal law that expresses energy attracting things of similar energy to itself. It’s not about using a magic spell as a form of attaining whatever one wants, instead, releasing positive energy with a positive mindset in a way that the universe responds with the same energy. Our world is made up of many states of consciousness-- like energy and matter. Light, sound, and vibration underpin creation.

The principles of the Law of Attraction aren’t new and were one of the first mentioned in a book by author and Russian occultist and cofounder of the Theosophical Society, Helena Blavatsky back in 1877. Blavatsky held a reputation for being spiritually enlightened and extracted ancient theories and ancient religious practices to write The Secret Doctrine. Her spiritual guidance was popularized among many countries in the 19th century and is still relevant in contemporary manifestation teachings and guidance. Thomas Troward’s work in the early 19th century inspired

his book, The Secret, where he interlaced manifestation origins, mental science, and visualization across different traditions and cultures.

Spiritual practices and studies, including manifestation, provide us with healing techniques to

help us understand our emotions, vulnerability, strengths, and weaknesses. However, many

scholars and spiritualists of the Law of Attraction believe in its existence since the world was

created. This is based on the fact that the principles of the Law of Attraction are found deeply

rooted in various religious and spiritual practices all over the world such as Buddhism, Greek

mythology, and Christianity. The practice of crystal healing dates back over 6,000 years ago to the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia and ancient Egyptians. Egyptians were one of the first to adorn and protect themselves from negative energy and illness with precious crystals--including lapis lazuli, carnelian and turquoise.

Manifesting isn’t something to do once, sit back and expect instant results. It is an ongoing

process of claiming of creative power that helps transform our connection to the universe.

“We all manifest every second of every day. With each thought, emotion, and belief that passes through us, we create and shape our reality. The secret is to bring this process under your conscious direction.”

Writer and spiritual theorist, Jose Silva, interpreted manifesting into a 4 step process.

1) Desire: learn how to channel your desire to live the life you want.

2) Believe: learn how to eliminate the negative beliefs holding you back and how to start

believing in yourself like never before

3) Connect: learn how to connect with your energy, your emotions, and the energy around you to

accelerate your Manifesting.

4) Expect: learn how to get rid of self-sabotaging behavior and get real results.

First, one has to get focused on their intentions and imagine the scenario as if the wish has

already been fulfilled; meaning focus on the present tense, not future. An exercise to complete before sleeping is keeping a dream and manifestation journal. Before going to bed every night, write down phrases like, “I am loved. I am focused. I am open…” the rest is up to the imagination. Only do this when you aren’t feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed because it leads to a clouded judgment. It is vital to only manifest when in a stable and clear space mentally and emotionally. Keeping track of manifestations in one place makes one feel more organized and creates a “subconscious mental trigger” about what goals one is pursuing.

For example, you could write:

1) I am the creator of my own heart, I attract fully and openly the love I want to receive.

2) I have the freedom and power to create the life I desire.

3) I choose to be kind to myself and love myself unconditionally.

By using the Law of Attraction, the mood is a direct indicator for the vibrations one is sending out to the universe, meaning one has to change one mood from feeling any negative emotions and beliefs that cause low vibrational frequencies (anger, sadness, anxiety). Maintaining the desired feeling helps raise vibrations and attracts the manifestation experience. Speak about it, dream about it, use visualizations and affirmations.

A way to amplify dream manifestations is by using crystals to assist with the vibrational

frequency of what you are asking for. Crystal healing is a chakra-opening practice to apply how spiritual healing has entwined its way into our human psyche and culture. Utilizing unique

crystals and their crystalline matrix makeup with proper focus and openness helps energetically tap into the universe. Each crystal radiates its own pattern of energy and resonates at different frequencies, transmitting our inner consciousness into balance and harmony with our desires.

Remember to charge crystals regularly before using them to allow for full benefits since they

naturally absorb energy and attract synchronicities. An easy way to cleanse crystals is by using selenite, placing them in direct moonlight or sunlight, or burying them into the earth.

There are hundreds of beautiful crystals for enhancing dreaming and awakening our

subconscious to explore the desires we’ve experienced during the day.

Citrine dates back centuries to the time of ancient Greeks. The bright yellow quartz possesses

healing properties of sunlight and aids in manifesting dreams and increases personal power by magnifying self-esteem, boosting energy, mental clarity, and clearing away negative energies.

Tiger’s Eye is connected to both the root and the sacral chakra that helps with clouded

judgment and balances physical and emotional wellbeing. The Tiger's Eye crystal gets its healing properties from a combination of the sun and earth elements. As part of its healing

properties; toxic energies are swept away, stability and awareness are heightened and deepest dreams are transformed into reality. Tiger’s Eye is a most ancient talisman and referenced as an

“all-seeing all-knowing eye.” It was chosen by the Egyptians for the eyes in their deity statues to express divine vision, while strengthening the will and clarity of intention in order to manifest at the highest level.

Amethyst is an excellent crystal for relieving insomnia and headaches, as well as exploring lucid dreaming. The crystal stimulates the third eye chakra and connects you to higher


Selenite is great for mental clarity, intensifying psychic abilities, and cleansing the aura. It opens the crown and higher crown chakras and “accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance.” It can be used to access past lives as well as future lives. Selenite is common and has a worldly connection to Greece, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, and Argentina. Selenite’s meaning dates back to the ancient Greek goddess of the moon, Selene. She possessed the power to light up the night and transcended universal energy. Selenite wands can be popular for those who want to conduct energy and bring tranquility and purity to the head and heart.

Moonstone brings serene energy that intensifies with deep sleep and helps establish a good

sleeping pattern. Also known as the sleeping stone, it teaches you awareness of the unconscious mind. The crystal helps to tap into the moon’s energy and protects one’s psychic energy which is essential for reducing any emotional tension and stress.

Clear Quartz is considered the “master healer” because of how easily it absorbs energy. It is

associated with the crown chakra to bring clarity and concentration, but can be used to cleanse and align all of the chakras. The crystal opens the mind and heart to guidance while amplifying the energy being manifested into it. Naturally, quartz points are 6-sided in a hexagon shape. The Sacred Geometry of the clear quartz projects its ability to latch onto energetic vibrations. Candle magic is also a powerful way to call onto the natural elements, reconnect with nature and invoke fire to hone in on manifestations. Candle magic is potent because it embraces the five elements represented in the pentagram. Like crystal manifestation, candles are great for amplifying desires for love, healing, happiness, and prosperity.

To start the ritual, organizing and cleansing one’s space is vital and sets the tone for the

ceremony performed. Similar to manifestation, one has to speak and visualize their desires. With the goal in mind and good intentions, light the candle, say affirmations, and follow the light of the flame. By writing the intention on a folded piece of paper, you are visualizing the result. Hold it up to the candle’s flame for as long as possible and keep your eyes closed for as long as you can to keep the intention fresh in mind. End the ritual by thanking the elements and saying positive affirmations.

Earth represents grounding, strength, healing, stability, empathy, death, rebirth, and nature


Air represents clarity, wisdom, knowledge, abstract thought, psychic work, and intuition (smoke).

Fire represents energy, destruction, courage, power, passion, sexuality, divinity, flame, and light

(once lit).

Water represents emotional elements, intuition, psychic ability, the unconscious mind, fertility,

tides, lunar energy, and self-healing (when the wax melts).

Spirit is the highest element and helps gain insight and mental clarity (from intentions and


Different colors of candles represent different intentions. Once you have stated your goal, pick a candle with a color associated with manifestation. Different colors can also hold more intensified energy and connection based on astrological signs.

Red is connected to Aries and holds intentions of assertiveness, courage, creativity, energy,

passion and sex.

Pink is connected to Libra and holds intentions of beauty, compassion, feminine power, love and innocence.

Black is connected to Scorpio and Virgo and is ideal for absorbing energy, breaking bad habits and hexes offer protection and self-defense.

White is connected to Cancer and Capricorn and holds intentions of cleansing, purification,

reflecting energy and summoning.

Grey/Silver is connected to Capricorn and Virgo and is connected to lunar energy, purifying

female energy, clairvoyance and intuition, neutrality, and improving psychic abilities.

Green is connected to Taurus and promotes physical healing, growth, personal goals, money,

abundance and nature.

Blue is connected to Libra, Pisces, and Aquarius and promotes dreamwork such as lucid

dreaming, healing, intuition, loyalty, and spirituality.

Purple is connected to Sagittarius and contains spiritual power, psychic ability, and intuition.

Yellow/Gold is connected to Leo and Gemini and assists with intelligence, travel, memory,

energy, and creativity.

Orange is connected to Leo and represents general success, concentration, legal issues and


Spirituality and manifestation are unique to every individual because no journey or experience is the same. The secret of successful manifesting is stripping layers of toxic emotions and letting go of negative energy to focus on meditation and exploring our consciousness through practice.


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