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2021 Affirmations

Kimberly Kapela

With many turning towards spirituality and self-reflection as 2020 closed out, 2021 brings an

invitation to honor life, force energy, and new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

2021 is a time to embody the light within us fearlessly and reclaim positive energy in our

creative essences, relationships, education, and workplace environments. A powerful shift is

occurring in our lives guiding us to exponential abundance.

This is the year to unfollow, block and avoid the people and things that trigger your self-growth. But to also do the work to understand those triggers and try to heal them so they don’t have the power to control and restrict you for the rest of your life. Stop searching externally; only you

know your soul purpose and no one can create or dictate your life’s purpose.

We have to navigate our subconscious stresses and not feed into insecurities. Settling for

temporary pleasure is a great loss of time coming into the new year. You are worth more than a late-night booty-call and an uncommitted soul. Be mindful of interactions that silence your

worth, create unnecessary stress, and belittle your growth.

The healing process of constantly reminding ourselves that we are loved never ends. Self-love is a lifelong journey of discovery that is sometimes harder than others. Remember everyone has a different spiritual journey. Live each day with an intention and discover passions that excite and energize you in this upcoming year.

Affirmations go beyond materialistic needs such as, “I will receive an insane amount of money that I didn’t expect to receive by the end of this week.” Instead try, “I appreciate the money in my life and I can afford anything I want.” This is the season to tune into our creative souls and take the time to pause, reflect and recite these words whenever you need to realign your creative energy and spiritual growth.

● “I will celebrate all of my accomplishments, big and small.”

● “I am shifting into a new stage in my life. I can feel that this transformation is going to

align me with everything that I’ve dedicated my time to and is finally paying off. I am

ready for what no longer serves me to leave so a new beginning will immerse.”

● “I will be present at every moment. I am ready to learn and grow. I was not made to give

up. I am enough. I am more than capable of achieving anything I set my mind to and will

stay true to myself and my values.”

● “I express my love and goodness each time I speak. I am safe and trust others to allow me

to express myself truthfully. I listen to my body and my feelings to know what my truth

is. I love to share my experiences and wisdom. I know when it’s time to listen.”

● “I am more than just a body. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I feel a

strong connection with myself and my spiritual self. I am grounded in self-love and open-minded to all the signs I am receiving. I am letting go and trusting the universe and the

divine nature of my life.”

● “I consciously feed my mind and grow my knowledge.”

● “My success will come by moving forward with a positive outlook, energy, and calmness.

I focus on what’s really important in my life.”

● “I forgive myself for being who I wasn’t supposed to be for me. I forgive myself for not

giving them love and nurturing nobody bothered to show me. I forgive myself for being too

hard on my being. I forgive myself for not knowing and not choosing to take

accountability for my actions. I forgive myself for it all.”

● “I am the creator of my own heart, I attract fully and openly the love I want to receive.”

● “Good things are coming my way. Good things are happening for me. Good things are

attracted to me. Good things are manifesting for me.”

● “My imagination is abundant with creativity.”

● “I claim to open myself to a life of creativity.”

● “I choose to be happy and love myself today. I believe in myself. I am in control. I am

creating the life I want and deserve.”

● “I am open and ready to receive an infinite flow of abundance and welcome healing


● “I respect myself enough to walk away from situations that no longer bring me peace. I

love myself enough to stand up for myself when needed. I deserve love, compassion and

respect. I happily walk away from situations that aren’t healthy for me. It’s okay to move


● “I let life flow freely, I embrace and don’t resist the change.”

● “This is my moment. Every lesson has led me to this place and moment. Here is where I

transcend. Here is where I transform. My heart is open and my soul is ready. Blessings

are making their way to me.”

● “My body is strong and healthy. I love my body and I am grateful for the way it protects

and takes care of me. My body is flowing with life and energy. Physically, I feel

amazing. I take care of my body to the best of my ability and show myself the love I


● “My future is bright and I have a lot to live for. I know that I am on this planet for a

reason. I belong here. I have something unique to offer this world. My life is valuable. I

bring happiness and joy to those around me. My presence is important.”

It’s okay to protect your energy by spending time alone and doing you. We are entering a season where everything works out for ourselves in our favor, right on time, every time. You’ll be amazed at what you attract after you start believing in what you deserve. Celebrate your strength and happy manifesting with positive affirmations!


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