As this trainwreck of a year draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on all the music we’ve
listened to as a coping mechanism (which we’ve all done, let’s be real). This list is going to
be a mixture of songs released this year and some slightly older songs because there’s so
many songs that have gotten me through this year that have been out a while and it
couldn’t just leave those out!
10. Clouds – Zach Sobiech
Some people might recognize the name Zach Sobiech from the Disney+ film Clouds, which
centered around Zach’s last few months of life before he passed away from a bone cancer
called Osteosarcoma. It was Zach’s mission to make music with his best friend Sammy
Brown and leave a legacy that helped other sufferers of cancer. In the 7 years since his
death, he’s done just that. The film Clouds touched so many people all over the world,
including me, and I’ve not stopped listening to his songs since. Clouds is a beautiful,
happy, moving song that perfectly encapsulates who Zach was as a person.
9. Turning Page – Sleeping at Last
This year, I’ve listened to a lot of Sleeping at Last’s music. With beautiful instrumentation,
poetic lyrics, and soft, crooning vocals, what’s not to love! It was almost impossible to
narrow it down to one song, but I knew it had to be Turning Page. It was originally written
for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 1) soundtrack but has recently gained traction on
TikTok due to its sheer beauty and romance. I’m by no means a Twilight fan (don’t even get
me started on how much I hate it), but I adore Turning Page. It tells the story of someone
who is so in love that they’re prepared to give up anything for the person they love. As a
hopeless romantic and an enneagram type 2, this really hits different. Not to mention the
gorgeous piano melody and soaring violins.
8. Get Used to It – Ricky Montgomery
Ricky Montgomery’s 2016 album Montgomery Ricky is another album that’s gained
popularity years after its release thanks to TikTok. Mr. Loverman and Line Without a Hook
are the two most popular songs, but after listening to the full album a few times, Get Used
to It has always been a stand-out track for me. It tells the story of someone disillusioned
with their life who constantly compares who they used to be to who they are now. It’s
driven by a catchy guitar melody, crashing drums, and Montgomery’s punchy pop-punk
vocals and is a song I’ve definitely caught myself head-banging to!
7. Mr. Rose – Spence Hood
Mr. Rose is the newest release on this list but is definitely the one I looked forward to the
most, and Spence Hood did not disappoint! I fell in love with this song when Hood posted a
clip of the first verse on his TikTok page, and after months of waiting, he finally released the
full version on 18th December. It follows a classic romance trope – forbidden love due to
class and status – but the twinkling piano melody and smooth strings bring a refreshing take
to it. Hood’s writing capabilities are beyond amazing and his voice is so emotive even in a
studio recording. There’s a crescendo near the end that brought tears to my eyes the first
time I heard it and the song overall is pure beauty.
6. Timothy Pedal! – Spence Hood
I tried my best to not include multiple songs by the same artist, but I simply couldn’t resist in
this case! Timothy Pedal! is a perfect example of Hood’s range and variety. Whilst Mr. Rose
is a soft, bittersweet love song, Timothy Pedal! tells a relatable tale of the struggles of
modern dating. A punchy drum beat, a soaring brass section, and jazzy piano work in perfect
harmony with Hood’s again brilliant, but this time packed with clever wordplay, lyrics. It
feels almost theatrical and brings me so much joy every time I listen to it.
5. Evermore – Taylor Swift ft. Bon Iver
Taylor Swift has blessed 2020 with not one, but two surprise albums that have turned me
into a full-blown Swiftie. Both albums have Bon Iver duets, but I do have to say Evermore is
my favorite. The deep, repetitive piano melody and heartfelt lyrics are so unbelievably
beautiful, and Swift’s voice works so well with Bon Iver’s (his falsetto is to die for!) I really
hope we get to see more collaborations with the two of them in the future.
4. Imploding the Mirage – The Killers
Having grown up listening to The Killers, I felt it would be unjust of me not to include a song
from their latest album. Imploding the Mirage as an album is amazing, but this song, inparticular, brings me so much joy. It has an almost Bruce Springsteen vibe (maybe the
harmonica in the beginning) and just makes me want to get up and dance! It’s clear to see
how Brandon Flowers’ vocals and the band’s style have developed since 2004’s Hot Fuss and I
can’t wait to see where they go next.
3. Something to Feel Good About – Will Joseph Cook
Cook is another independent artist who’s gained a wider fanbase from TikTok, with his song
Be Around Me gaining a lot of traction this Autumn. His latest album was released in late
November, and the catchy hooks and summery melody of the titular track is a clear
standout to me. Cook has a habit of crafting catchy bass melodies paired with punchy drums
that form irresistible, fun, pop-punk tunes.
2. Nobody Gets Me (Like You) – Wallows
Since Wallows’ debut album last year, their sound as a band has grown into something more
upbeat and fun. The Remote EP clearly shows how their sound has become more cohesive
and Nobody Gets Me (Like You) is a perfect example of that. They pair catchy, pop-fuelled
lyrics with a more alternative, rock-inspired backing to create an explosion of music that’s
insanely catchy and joyful.
1. John Wayne Gacy, Jr. – Sufjan Stevens
It’s mildly ironic that my top track this year is actually 15 years old, but I couldn’t resist!
Illinois as an album is incredible (keep your eyes peeled for an article on that album alone)
and John Wayne Gacy, Jr. is easily one of my favorites. It tells a biographical tale of the
Chicagoan murderer and does so with grace and care. Stevens’ lyrics are beautifully
haunting, with a fearful ‘Oh my god’ cried out partway through at the sheer atrocity of the
tale and a shocking statement made at the end, where he compares the secrets he keeps
with the dead bodies kept in Gacy’s basement. The song is insanely emotive and reaches a
crashing crescendo about a minute before the end that is brimming with shock, anguish and
sadness. The instrumentation is very simple, which allows the listener to pay closer
attention to the exposed, bare lyrics and vocals which make this song so haunting.
Honorable Mentions – Here are a few more songs that didn’t quite make the list that I love dearly and listen to quite a lot:
Don’t Leave Me This Way – The Communards
Chain Reaction – Diana Ross
Sovereign Light Café – Keane
Mr. Blue Sky – Electric Light Orchestra
Birdhouse In Your Soul – They Might Be Giants