Funeral Lakes are a Canadian indie rock duo consisting of Sam Mishos and Chris Hemer.
Their latest EP, Golden Season, was released September 2020 and reprises themes
and topics from their previous works; e.g. climate change, crooked politics, and toxic
masculinity; but with newer, more frantic energy. Funeral Lakes were entirely new to me,
and this is the first I’ve heard of their music. When I was told about their music, particularly
the themes they write about, I expected the typical sort of ‘eco warrior’ thing. But I’m
pleased to say they really surprised me with their gritty lyrics and edgy vocals. If you’re
skeptical like I was, listen to their music, you won’t regret it!
The EP opens with the seemingly laid-back Eternal Return, with Mishos and Hemer’s voices
pairing well together in unison. Eternal Return has relatively simple instrumentation,
which is really effective and pulls the listener’s attention towards the vocals and lyrics. Fans
of The Front Bottoms would definitely like this one. Just before the 3-minute mark, Mishos
and Hemer chant ‘We are the warriors / Bullshit’ which perfectly captures the frustration of
the younger generations, the feeling of helplessness we have when it comes to modern
politics (it’s two years until I can vote and I can’t wait!) and the responsibilities thrust upon
us by older generations.
The second track, Earth Falls, discusses the fate of the Earth and the effects of climate
change with powerful lyrics and a hazy, dreamlike atmosphere. This track’s certainly edgier than Eternal Return and has a very old-school The Killers feel (those who’ve read by
Imploding the Mirage review will know how I feel about synth in indie rock songs). Miss
and Hemer are clearly very talented lyricists because their lyrics certainly pack a punch,
particularly ‘I’m getting by but we’re barely breathing / I eulogize what I’m now seeing and
the back-and-forth of their voices really shows off their stunning vocal talent.
From the very start, you can tell Power Trip will resonate with so many people. It opens with
Mishos’ voice, crying out with a very Avril Lavigne feels ‘So self-assured / In your perfect
world’. It’s edgy, it’s confrontational and it’s a call-out to those in positions of power who lie
and cheat to get where they are. It criticizes the heteropatriarchy and the hierarchy of
society that leave so many people behind.
It’s clear to see from this EP that Funeral Lakes isn’t just an Indie Rock duo, they’re
storytellers and a force to be reckoned with. Their music is their protest and they’re so
passionate about what they do. I would definitely recommend this album and I can’t wait to
see where they go next!
